Thursday, October 20, 2011

What is taking so long?

In my role as husband, father, and educator I have had many occasions to invest in people. I truly enjoy the fulfillment that comes from helping someone in need. That said, there are times when I have provided such assistance with love, kindness and attention to detail only to observe little or no change in the individual who received my advice, time, or supposed wisdom. Often they were grateful for my help, nodding their head in acknowledgement of the insight or intelligence shared and a knowing smile that shouted, "That makes perfect sense!'  Days, months, maybe a year maybe four years later, same person needing the same help. UUGGHHH! Did I help or didn't I??
When you teach students at the elementary level you learn over time that the help you provide a child or a class may not manifest itself until after they have left you at year's end or maybe not even until their early adult years. They come back and say, "Mr. Clement, remember when you found me crying at my locker and you stopped, put your arm around me and told me you would stay with me until I was better?"  On the day I did stop at this young lady;s locker she was none-to-thrilled that I had stopped and I believe asked me with an expletive to leave her alone! I chose not to and 8 years later I get the "thank you" and a chance to hear how that event affected her life moving forward.
With our children, we tell them certain things repeatedly "for their own good" only to have to tell them the same thing over and over again, wondering the entire time why they just aren't listening. Then they grow up, move out, come back for a holiday dinner and share your exact words,verbatim! They not only listened, but heard!
And with our spouses we all try to make adjustments on the fly as our lives change, children come, money flows in and flows out, and our personal needs change.  If we are lucky we can honestly share our needs and trust that our significant other will honestly and lovingly complement us throughout our life changes.  But, we may not see immediate results that match the words that are spoken. This can be frustrating and may cause people to pull away from the loved one they have committed their life too.
No matter the relationship or situation in question I would like to point you to the amazing story of the Chinese Bamboo tree. In the first five years of the life of a well cared for and loved bamboo tree sprout you will see virtually no growth. But what you won't see is the amazing root growth going on below the surface of the earth during that time period. A root growth necessary to allow, when it is time, for that tree to blossom and grow to incredible heights. After year 5 the tree will grow approximately 3 feet per year, up to 90 feet high!  Patience and perseverance that pays off.
Your challenge: wherever you are investing your time and attention, remember whatever you put into a person may not manifest itself in individual growth during the time you provide it. It may take months or years for the evidence of your love and caring to become palpable. But the end result just may be a stronger more independent person who is then able to reinvest themselves into others in a similar fashion!
Please take just a couple of minutes to view this video about the bamboo tree! God Bless.,com/watch?v=u9axslthfco

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